Natasha Julius
“Iyengar Yoga is the first practice I've found that effectively links physical and intellectual rigor. You're not simply performing asana, you're actively focused on a process of discovery."
More than 20 years ago, Natasha wandered into an Iyengar Yoga class at a studio near her home and was instantly hooked. "Iyengar Yoga is the first practice I've found that effectively links physical and intellectual rigor. You're not simply performing asana, you're actively focused on a process of discovery." She has found that focus stays with her once she leaves the mat and has led to greater clarity in all aspects of her life. Her passion for the practice led her to study at Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in 2008 and to complete her IYNAUS certification in 2009. She has since enjoyed getting to know the instructional styles of Abhijata Iyengar and Raya Uma Datta. She also studies regularly with Chris Saudek, Laurie Blakeney, and her old Pune travel buddy (and regular YH guest teacher) Jennie Williford.
Natasha focuses on creating a welcoming and collaborative classroom environment in which students feel empowered to explore their individual practice. "I think Iyengar yoga can sometimes feel a little exclusive—there's weird equipment! They're speaking Sanskrit! Everyone else seems to know what they're doing!” Natasha wants her students to take what they need from the work they do and trust themselves to move forward from there. Natasha believes students are there to grow in their practice, and the teacher, whether that is the human leading the class, or the block under their hand in a standing pose, is there to support that growth.
Outside of yoga, Natasha is the parent of two school-aged children and a writer and creator who is generally developing 8-10 projects at any one time. “I have found that the focus I find while practicing stays with me once I leave the mat and leads greater clarity in all aspects of her life, including staying focused!”