Allison Chaplick
After trying several different styles of yoga (hatha, ashtanga, hot), Allison Chaplick read a description of Iyengar yoga, took a class, and was immediately impressed by the teacher’s knowledge of each pose, including the visual demonstration and verbal instruction. "I loved the sequencing, how one pose could contribute to the understanding of the next as a class built toward a “target” pose or a desired mental and physical state." She also appreciated the attention the teacher had to each student and, after starting teaching, strives to contribute that same focus to the students in her classes.
Beyond her daily study and practice, Allison particularly values the therapeutic benefits of Iyengar yoga, something she particularly experienced while pregnant with both of her children. "The synchronized practice during each trimester of my pregnancies, as well as during menstruation, has helped me feel healthy, more energetic and to address problems."
Allison finds that people are often hesitant to take yoga because of their physical stiffness. Likewise, she sees people drawn to yoga to improve their flexibility. For her, the beginning of the journey, and benefits, really starts by developing even some even small amount of mental flexibility in order to find greater agility in the poses.
In addition to her study, practice and teaching of yoga, Allison is a lawyer focused on professional insurance liability issues and enjoys spending time with her husband, two active teenagers, and two rambunctious Chocolate Labrador Retrievers.